Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Tea Latte

Home visits at work and then back to the hospital where one of my patients was one of my old school teachers. He was always eccentric at school. He would stand in front of the class and tell us that he didn't have a brain...we'd all giggle thinking he was loopy....then he'd add that it, his non existant brain, was a computer!! This was back in the early 80s. It was nice to have a chat with him but it made me a little sad....he's 80 years old now and he was saying to enjoy every minute of my time as it passes too quickly.

After work, I had a drive out to Lytham with Brian. We had something to eat in the Lytham Kitchen. The weather was grey and drizzly so we didn't bother walking along the front as we'd planned. Instead we just looked in a few shops and then decided to head home. On the way, we stopped in Starbucks. I am addicted to their tea latte made with almond milk....

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