Photo Opp...

We have had a busy day today with visits and visitors and this end of day image was just before the sun went behind the Roy Range.
One of the grrreat things that The Boss likes about the tourists is their tendency to wear red. 
Tech issues struck today when he was trying to find a really old image on a DVD and his external drive thingie that he hasn’t used since Adam was a cowboy (his words) refused to go when plugged into a laptop so a trip across the hill is required for a powered USB hub thingie. The warning here is that old tech will not necessarily work with new tech as usb thingies on laptops aren’t powered as much as they were on PC tower thingies and DVD sadly stands for “Dated Video Disc”  and he has a cupboard full of them.

Even my grub comes in a zip top bag that I still can’t open…

Kinda makes your head spin…..
Oh and it's even more spectacular in large...

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