Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


My husband had an early afternoon Addenbrookes Hospital appointment so we went into Cambridge. The Park and Ride buses where not running very well and two were cancelled, but eventually we got to the town centre.
We were going to Bella Italia for an early lunch or even to have breakfast, which it seems they serve, but at 1115 hours they were not open, so we went to Harriet’s Team Rooms. It is a while since we visited and it does not appear to have improved. Today’s picture is of my lunch, which was their second attempt at getting it right. They first jacket potato came with baked beans instead of cheese and also with coleslaw. This one tasted okay, but was rather a small potato, but it had to do. I think we have been spoilt by the excellent food served in Café Thyme, but they are not in Cambridge. I filled up with Costa coffee and flapjack at Addenbrookes.

The afternoon appointment went well with not too long a delay, so we were home quite early in the afternoon.

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