Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Full moon

This has been a terrible day photographically, but excellent otherwise. I have a few shots from early this morning when we walked up the hill, as we often do, but there was something badly wrong with all of them. A wire fence I didn't notice, a space between two lovely stretches of stone wall that I failed to fill with anything... would have been easy to move sideways to centre the remaining tall buildings of our central city in the gap.

Then we went for a mountain bike ride, the light was harsh, so I didn't take the camera. Could have caught Rowan splashing through a large puddle of water, or surely something better than my earlier efforts, but not much good without a camera. The rest of the day was filled up with chores and visiting my mother, so noticing the full moon on the way home, I just nipped out for a last ditch attempt at something for today. I'm not much good at using the camera in the dark, and couldn't find the manual setting, so had to fiddle around to get something approaching the correct exposure on auto. Even full, the moon is much smaller than it looks!

Well, the whole point of this exercise was to practise more, and learn some things, so I guess I am.

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