Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Dips and Hollows

Come sing to me of delicate morns, beguile my soul with dulcet harmonies of Robin and Thrush. Take my tired eyes and sprinkle dew drops sparkling upon the corners to make them twinkle and show the smile that hides there! Bring me heavy air imbued with leaf and berry tones to bewitch my senses and deliver me to your loving arms....dear Autumn!

From heavy misted dips and hollows, through silent and still country roads fingered on all sides by ghostly lanes and paths I make my way. Sleepy houses with curtained eyelids wake gently, softly glowing lights winking at the passing cars. Deer startled by some phantom spring across the barren field stirring mist into spirals of ghost like forms, magic and wonder!

Across the flat common upon silent wheels, like a human Steam train plumes of breath from the engine of my heart spew into cold air. Past the river shrouded and languid, a causeway of heavy enchanted mist. Through the bowed and forlorn avenues of naked trees, their leaves having fallen like tears from a lost Summer love. Onto the hard town roads..devoid of such richness.

So, do I journey, so do I see, as do I feel....

Forgive my love, forgive my passion, or.... Join me in the wondrous arms of Fair Autumn.

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