
By DancingAly

Gym Trip

We've done it before, twice already in fact, but it still makes me a little nervous!

It didn't get off to the best start, as the office lady who booked the coach to get us there, booked it earlier than needed. Consequently, we had one increasingly irate driver who refused to wait for us as he had another job to do, and then drove off just as we made our way out to the car park! 

Cue the awkward moment as I had to say to my line of tiny people that we needed to turn round and go back to the classroom. We then spent a frantic few minutes on the phone to another local company who by the grace of God, had a spare coach and driver who flew up to pick us up, and managed to get us there only five minutes later than planned! Phew!

I have never had that happen to me in eleven years of teaching, and it really looked like we wouldn't be able to go. They would have been so disappointed, and we were so lucky. 

They had a fab time, my friends from gym ran the session and the children had a whale of a time. They tried out all the equipment, and predictably, jumping or being thrown into the foam pit was the highlight. 

We made it back just after 4pm, tired but happy we got there. 

And thankfully, when I had time to think about it later, nobody came back with any broken bones ;-) Win. 

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