
By Hillyblips

Bobbing Along

What a lovely noise and beautiful to watch! Perching on the tiles, high on the apex of our garage/office roof - twitting, bouncing and bobbing, disappearing then coming back in a very elegant manner!

The BTO assesses that 10% of gardens have wagtails.The stats. for sightings were up in February of this year because of the snow according to The Garden Birdwatch as they will go into gardens in the cold weather. BirdTrack for October 30th this year reports the usual annual activity and we happen to be in an area where there are over 25 records per week of sightings in a 10 sq km area so all good in Gloucestershire then!

Specialist winged insect catchers, they will ground feed too and in order to help the pied wagtail you could put ground peanuts, grated cheese and suet on the floor to encourage them. You can often see them in bare areas like car parks as they like to see their prey.

I'd been ready to go out but just couldn't resist sneaking a photo opportunity by creeping quietly out. The dogs then came in hot pursuit and my cover was blown but I managed to get a few clicks of the camera. I would class this as a happy bird - it certainly makes me smile!

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