Heart valve implant

My mum had rheumatic fever when she was young, and the illness damaged the valves in her heart.  She had open heart surgery in 1958, shortly after we came to Canada, then in 1978, she had a second surgery to implant a pig valve.  She was a strong woman who went through both operations in Vancouver with no family nearby.  She told me that she'd never go through another surgery.  Unfortunately my mum died far too young, just before her 58th birthday in 1981.  
Kalyn was dissecting a sheep's heart in Biology while we were visiting last Friday and finished the dissection on Monday.  She sent me some photos and I included one in the extra.  
Possible entry for wbc theme: Valve
I'm hoping to be back on track with blip after a few days away and will post some volleyball backblips.  We had a great time with family, watching Kalyn and her teammates and visiting Krista.  

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