
By hannahstar

Crack of light

Woke up feeling quite awake which was surprising seeing as I only had about 4 hours sleep! We got up and started packing, then had breakfast and finished packing. We then went to the nearby park before church. It was cold, but refreshing and it was fun to go on the swings and things :D Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera.
When we got back it was time for church. It was a good meeting and quite similar to our meetings at home. After the meeting, once all the church people had gone, we had lunch, watched a slideshow of photos from yesterday and they announced the winner of monopoly! My team came 2nd!
Then it was time to leave :( The journey home was ridiculously quick!!!
I was soooo tired when I got home. When I went to bed, I was just dropping off to sleep when I remembered I hadn't taking a photo for the day! I couldn't be bothered to get up so just used my phone to take a photo of the only thing that would be visible which was the crack of light in my door!

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