Walk on the wild side...!

Another morning walking around the woods with Jakey again this morning, although we had to move a bit quicker today. We were out before the neighbours builders arrived but we had to be back sharpish as Jakey had an appointment at the vets this morning.

He really is beginning to dislike going in his cat-carrier now as he's been to the vets three times now in just over a month. A close inspection by the vet revealed two puncture wounds on his head, with one being close to his right eye and this is the one that had turned into an abcess. This is not good.

The problem would seem to lie with the fact that some of our neighbours cats are either quite territorial or complete maniacal feline terrorists. Jakey is not naturally aggressive but will stand his ground if there is no alternative... ie; leg it!

I would rather he didn't fight but if he does, I hope he's not coming off worse!

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