Here & There

By UncagedKiwi


The land of "The Long White Cloud" - the Maori name for New Zealand.

Last day in Christchurch for a while, and this was captured this morning at low tide on the Estuary as I went out to Sumner for a site meeting. Another fabulous Autumn day.

Heading back to Auckland tonight, while D has two more days in Christchurch with young C, joining me on Saturday. Not great to have to deal with C on her own, but that's just the way things worked out. Less than a week now and we will deliver him back to his parents. It's been a delight watching him develop over the last few weeks (such changes in such a short time at this age), but at the same time a real challenge and a huge responsibility. I have to say we are both looking forward to more normal grand parenting duties!

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