
By IrvingFlashman

I feel like Wonder Woman.

This tweet came from the brother. It surprised me because it was the first time he seemed to have confidence in my aspirations and my abilities. It boosted my confidence massively and made me incredibly happy and all the more determined to be somewhat impressive by the time he comes home.

Today I feel like I worked my bum off in uni and I really enjoyed it. The massive, but somewhat manageable, workload is really getting my adrenaline and thinking-cells burning and I feel like in the last four weeks I've already been more productive than I have been in the last two years of university. The last two years I've been cracking under the pressure but this year, to be cheesy, I feel a little like Atlas pushing up the weight of the world on my back.
I'm going to attribute this new found power and strength to the complete harmony of my university home. These girls are so wonderful to live with and for the first time I feel like I have a home away from home. Also, it helps that Lydia is a literary genius and I feel like her passion is slowly seeping into me and pushing me onwards.

I spent a happy hour or so in Tesco with the boy, picking up things we needed, and things we didn't so much need...(chocolate). I cooked dinner for the girls using a recipe from Nigella and was actually really impressed by myself and pleased with the outcome. Can I cook now? What a miracle.

The boy cwtched me to sleep and we watched some tv. Today was incredibly full, non-stop from 7am until 11pm but I don't feel tired, just fulfilled.

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