
By Fido

Too hot to handle

After the brief visit to my parents yesterday (mainly to catch up with the nordic cousins as they won't be around when we are back later in the week), we journeyed on down to the edge of Glasgow to stay with my in-laws for a couple of nights.

This morning my lovely husband had a meeting in central Glasgow so I accompanied his on the journey and took the opportunity to have some time to myself, without children, in the shopping metropolis of the big smoke. After less than half an hour of wandering the shops, during which time I bought a bottle of shampoo, I came to my senses and realised that although the idea of a morning spent in this way always tempts me, I really rarely enjoy it.

So, I headed instead for Princess Square, for a coffee and a croissant (okay, okay it was a pain au chocolate), a magazine and a good old nosy at the folks around about me.

As nice as the flat white was, complete with the dainty little heart on top, I was a bit taken a back by the vessel in which it was served. Honestly, how do you drink these things while they are still hot and yet without burning your hands? Is this the new thing? Am I so behind the times or just too used to living in the sticks to think that a mug would be more appropriate??

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