'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

365 at last!

Okay, this wasn't my original idea - but still contains the elements from it! What amazes me is that 364 images before I wouldn't have known how to edit, create different effects and enhance images let alone create layers to create today's image of which each layer has been taken today! The '3' inspired trying to find different ways of representing the different numbers. Originally, I was hoping to find these all in nature but with being carless it hampered my number 'treasure hunt' somewhat!

This past year (and a bit) I have really loved exploring the world of Blip. being inspired by so many talented people in this community and learning so much. My journal has become very much a personal reflective journal and I look forward to thinking about my 3 beautiful things of the day and one thing to be grateful for alongside looking out for 'that' image to post. Treating it in this way has also removed much of the pressure I put myself under to get that 'amazing' image and to simply enjoy. (Especially when dealing with the increasing frustration of not having a very good camera - something which will hopefully be rectified in the New Year!)

I would also like to say thank you to all who stop by, I had to stop responding to comments due to time and work commitments but really do appreciate everyone's encouragement and support. They do make me smile, chuckle and sometimes blush!

Three beautiful things:
Being rescued by my dad and my friend and escaping from the house for the afternoon!

A beautiful Phase eight wrap dress discovered in a charity shop - it has hardly been worn! Even found a gorgeous cardigan from Next to go with it!

Another dramatic skyline this evening!

One thing to be grateful for:
The woodburner - the bolier is still not working, just the gas valve to check now!

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