Grey Day

It rained…..I hate it raining as it disturbs the delicate balance of my furls and it feels funny on my feet and and and……
Well anyway I don’t like it.
The Boss however loved it and spent all day playing with his images and getting 50 Gb back on his Mac and all his history on to the cloud and files set up for another book. 
AND discovered some more stuff to throw out.

Luckily we brought our large wheely bin from the “other side” so it is still possible to continue chucking stuff out until it gets replaced with a smaller one in June.

I discovered that I was really good at stairs today when I learnt to compare the things I could see out the bedroom window with the things I could see out the living window. It was great fun but I seem to have forgotten it by teatime and had to be yelled at by The Boss to come back upstairs again.  Maybe I need some Gb’s cleared too.
They had series 2 of the “Hand Maiden” on Lightbox (NZ streaming service) last night and luckily it was only 2 episodes or it would have been a really late night as The Bossess was not here to take control. 


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