Words Apart

By captaincustard


A quite remarkable day.

Had an evening event in London (more about that in a moment), so headed up early to have a bit of an amble around our fabulous capital city.

Decided to head to Victoria, as I usually end up around the Waterloo area when I get pottering time. I've walked past Westmister Cathedral lots of times, but never been inside. Although I've visited a lot of cathedrals, very few of them have been Catholic ones, so it was an interesting mix of the familiar and the totally alien. It had a fantastic cafe, too. Cup of tea and a hot cross bun for £2 right in the heart of London. Fabulous!

Then spent an hour or so wandering around Tate Britain, which was fabulous. I loved the shapes in the railings and staircases, as well as the artworks on display.

Then headed to Wimbledon to meet up with one of my best friends and her daughter, who happens to be my wise and beautiful ten-year-old goddaughter. Was great to catch up with both of them, and to hear all about K's thoughts as she prepares to start secondary school in September.

Then it was time to meet up with a different group of friends, for the main reason I'd made the journey to London. Dinner, followed by a trip to Westminster Abbey for a Shakespeare event put on by The Globe's theatre company. So, we spent just over an hour ambling around this incredible venue, with actors all around us, bursting into scenes and soliloquys from Shakespeare - and all within touching distance rather than on a stage somewhere in the distance.

It did test my Shakespeare knowledge, as I tried to work out which play each scene was from, but I enjoyed the ones I couldn't work out as much as the ones which I could!

Amazing. Just amazing.

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