Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

Don't know why this picture is half pink. it reminds me of the days when a film might come back with a bit of over exposure. Perhaps the digital processes are throwing in some nostalgic surprises now and again so those of us who remember film can go ah - the good old days

Anyway, Dundee today. Old students, new students, art. A good day. Nearly a very good day, but there's always something or someone. Actually there's not always something or someone, but I am surprised at how often there is.

On the positive - went to a presentation by Luke Fowler of his latest work about the WEA (Workers' Educational Association) which I loved. He spoke afterwards about his relationship with documentary film making and I really appreciated his explanation of his approach; the offering of an alternative method of documentary. I will, well, I intend to write more about this tomorrow when the brain is fresh and the mind is clear. So, don't hold your breath.

post note: I love blip because without it I would never have known that I was also in Dundee a year ago today. Maybe one of my Dundee days is the 30th October. Perhaps this is a crucial bit of social research that scholars (do people say scholars anymore?) will look back on in years to come and say "oh yes, the Dundee day thing"

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