A wet one with various amounts of rain falling most of the day. The lilac doesn't seem to mind the weather, but it would look better with a blue sky behind it.
Work in the morning, and it was quite busy with customers today. Back home and really tired, (perhaps I need another holiday!). But  I did do some washing that will have to dry indoors, and potted up a hanging basket.
The care home called to say that Jeanie had had another fall, but thankfully had not hurt herself. Her dementia is moving on again,  the times she gets angry and violent, swearing and slapping and spitting, seem to be getting more frequent. (The carer thought she fell as she tried to get up to kick her). It is so hard to witness someone who would never have done these behaviours pre dementia, but at least the care home at the moment think that they can cope with her.
Harry started his new job and it seemed to go well, so fingers crossed for him.

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