
I really didn't think about blip for most of today. I was attending a cpd seminar I was really looking forward to and felt sure it would deliver an interesting blip.
And the seminar was indeed fantastic. But I very quickly realised that Catastrophic Bleed Management wasn't going to lend itself to blips many of you would like, or maybe tolerate.
I won't go into detail (promise) but there were NO simulated pics or videos, everything was shockingly real and graphic. Personally I think it has to be, if you can't look at it or watch it, then when it happens for real you won't be equipped.

The protester shot by the Egyptian police died in a minute and twenty seconds. People just watched, someone obviously filmed.
Perhaps most impressive was Cedric, a French doctor and World Cup mountain biker. When his handle bars severed his femoral artery he knew he had moments, he reached into himself, pinched the artery and instructed his friend to kneel on his hand to apply enough pressure. He's alive and competing today.

There's a moment crossing the A66 when it truly becomes Cumbria, not an arbitrary county line, but a place of fells, cliffs, water and more. Sadly its nearly impossible to photograph that change.
But for me, there's a point when I turn off the A685 with the humpback Howgills to the South, the cragged High Fells to the West, and I head into the wilder Westmorland Dale's. That's the moment I know I'm home, and fortunately, it's easy to capture.

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