And Sometimes I Just Sits

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

My flat and enervated mood continued today. I made the most of Saturday by doing as little as possible. 

That is not to say I did nothing. Cats were brushied. A big roast chicken dinner was made. 

But most of all I emulated Jasper in this picture, or ate leftover Toffee-Pops that I got in for our visitors.

I love visitors after they have gone.

This is Jasper in his office-bed, by the way. Er Indoors made him a little cosy nest next to her bed, so he can sit with her while she's doing her job. The little chap LOVES company, so this is great for him. And he loves this bed even more. I took this picture "outside office hours" and still he seems quite happy there.

But just to be clear, I'm not paying him "cat overtime" for going into the office at the weekend.


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