An Apple A Day.....

I just happened to have a sliced apple in the refrigerator when this sweetie stopped by this afternoon.  She ate a couple slices and left a few so now I have a very obvious clue outside my door as to who in my apartment complex is breaking the law by feeding the deer.  I doubt if my explanation of needing to get rid of the apple would work.  I can only hope our resident raccoon stops by tonight to clean things up. 

Tuesday I leave for South Carolina to visit my Aunty Bea and Uncle Hans.  They're really my late husband's relatives but since I have very few people in my family, I adopted them.  I've been told that it's very hot in South Carolina which is scary because Aunty Bea puts on a sweatshirt if the temperature drops below 75.  I'll be there for about 5 days before Rob picks me up and we start on an East Coast, Midwest road trip back to his home in Indiana.  This time I'll be leaving my computer at home so there's going to be a blip-gap in my journal which I'll fill in when I get back.  The camera is definitely not getting left behind.

Between now and Tuesday I have to pack, run the usual pre-travel errands and, of course, clean the house.  I can't have Lizzie's kitty sitter thinking I'm a lousy housekeeper.

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