Feeding Frenzy of a flock of Alpine Choughs
I heard the racket before I saw the cause. I turned a corner in the village and a flock of cawing choughs flew off from the vine on a barn. They had been stripping what was left on the vine. I have never seen choughs so low down and certainly not in such numbers. Once I had hidden behind a tree they all came back, fighting and screeching, then flew off again when the post-lady came past, apologising to me when she saw my camera! They did not return.
The Alpine Chough or Yellow-billed Chough, (Pyrrhocorax graculus) is a bird in the crow family. It has lovely red legs that you can see in this photo. They nest in cliffs in the high mountains and mate for life. I love watching their aerobatics from mountain peaks which is where you usually see them.
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