Hobblalong Catastrophe strides again.

I'm still (metaphorically) leaping on the "Wii hinny" daily, but not "exercising" in any sense of the word.
I found a long time ago that you can simulate paces by altering the pressure of each foot in turn. I've "cycled" miles around Wii-Island without actually truly lifting my feet off the pad. Even to get a result like this:-
I suspect crawled "paces" don't count. I recently took my 2 sticks for a toddle to the greenhouse; watered Jerra's "Lodgers" and potted up the, recently featured "π-napple". I returned by throwing the sticks along the lawn/grass/Silage and followed them on hands and knees (VERY dry grass, the rain they've been talking about seems to be everywhere but here.) taking the glass the pineapple was in, and the pot it's now in with me.
Paces are, perforce, suffering a tad. Top score last week was 2219 with most days registering just under 1,500. Today the mighty total of 468 at15:45.
It appears to take 2 weeks for the X-rays to travel the 100 yds from hospital to Surgery.
I suspect they go via Carlisle, probably on certain day(s) of the week to be processed.

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