A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix


Well it has been another pretty grey day today. As I type the wind has increased and it is feeling rather chilly to say the least. I have been attempting to write school reports, but having failed to get 'in the zone' for much of the day, I spent time doing other things as a diversion. I am much better at procrastination it appears than I have previously given myself credit for. So, niece and nephew duly visited and cuddled, a trip to the other end of the island to find a blip and visit some friends and a stop off to see my parents who both seem to be suffering with food poisoning, I find myself back at my computer. Not doing reports, but typing this instead. If only there were rewards for procrastination, I'd get a gold star every single time.

Looking back at my blips, I took this one 4 years ago today. It is by far my most popular and one of my very favourite blips ever. Splash

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