Gym rings

Today's the day ........................ to be active

Time for Tessa to return home to Moniaive today - but time enough to call in at Hetland Dino Park on the way.  It's a great place for little ones to play and use up their energy by climbing, jumping, sliding and hanging-on in a safe, padded environment. 

In fact, the whole time that Tessa has been with us over the past few days, she has been very active, as is the way with most two-year-olds.  And we very nearly made it to the end of the weekend unscathed!  We were within half an hour of home, when she tripped and fell in the Garden Centre and grazed her chin.  Ah well, even with the best of intentions, these things happen - and she soon got over it as you can see in the extra.

So now we're back home - and the house is very quiet.  We shall so miss that little bundle of energy and hope it won't be long before she bounces back into our lives again .........................  

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