Party girls

They rehearsed for 5 hours today. They’ve been absolute superstars. They have many more hours to come.

Katies done amazing. This isn’t her group of dance friends really, though she’s gotten to know a few of them a bit from contemporary and g4. Her friends are all mice. But the girls have embraced Katie (clearly...) and Katie has embraced them. She’s very excited that she’s the designated “little party child” in her team (its an official role). Her teacher told her that the little one has a particularly special dress and they’ve learnt some fun bits today like she gets to have a stomp and gets to push the nutcracker in a pram. They will wear their hair in a half up, with the rest in ringlets. She’s highly amused she’ll be the only one who doesn’t have to “do” her ringlets! She’s so delighted with it all.

We got back about 5.15 and she wasn’t ready for home, despite leaving home at 8.30 (she’d started the day with a concert rehearsal and her clarinet lesson). So we went exploring in the bluebell woods. I parked away from them so we could run all the way there, played, climbed, exploded, wandered and ran back again. It was a gorgeous way to end the day (photo in the extra in case it ends up being the only bluebell photo of 2018!)

She went to sleep listening to the nutcracker tonight. She’s talking to B before school tomorrow. She cannot wait to tell her!

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