Danny the beloved dog

This memorial has become quite well known after this lady accidently discovered it October last year.

It's quite touching....

"I found a memorial to a little dog..Danny... which I stumbled over while on a drive...I went on the Cleish road( Fife), stopped to pet some horses and this was under my feet covered in thick weeds..bless his little paws...I cant tell you how touched and surprised I was to find it....anyhow I gave it another tidy up to-day and left a little posy of flowers, I wondered as I stood there who little Danny belonged to...he was obviously very loved...and where his family are now..its dated 20th Oct 1994. it reads....In Fondest Memory Of Danny Best Friend And Companion ...soooooo I'm asking all my friends on here will you please share this, to try and get his story, and let them know he is still being looked after, Thanks everyone from me and a much loved little dog xxx"

As far as I'm aware they havn't been able to find out the story of Danny the dog, but he was obviously loved.

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