Roll With It

By Falmike

More Rugby

Today Joshua went for a days rugby training at Truro College with Under 12's throughout Cornwall attending. He appears to have had a good time and learnt from the day, he is tired but happy.

Sam has had a day getting ready for Halloween tomorrow night, interupted by taking the dogs for a walk around the castle moat. During the walk Sam found she had 'sprung' a leak in her beloved Doc Marten boots, repair or replacement is on the cards.

When I started Weight Watchers in July 2011 I also started running, today I passed the 1,000 mile mark so I am quietly 'chuffed'.

Clare has had a day off from placement, she say's she enjoyed the rest but secretly I think she missed it.

Hectic few days coming up, wish the 'Blipster App' would work from my i-phone but sadly it appears to be going the way of the Blipfoto App - unusable.

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