Dreamy Andrea's Journal

By dreamyandrea

Feral Kitty Needs a Name

Feral Kitty has really started beating up on my beloved Dr. Evil and Mini-me. He needs a name. Any suggestions?

Today, I clocked out from work at 19:23 with no plans to clock back in. Tomorrow, I start pursuing my dreams with the support of my husband even though I don't have a clear understanding of what they are.

For some this is a testimony, to others self-fulfillment...

When I was 16 sitting on the sidewalk waiting to be picked up from school I asked God to set me up with the man I am married to today. Every now and then I'm reminded of that when I realize my husband, my gift, is an in the flesh reality of the characteristics that I described to God.

This next few months is an adventure in merging my life with my husband's all while pursuing my interests, continuing to be happy and also being content.

In the last week of my job I became increasingly dissatisfied with my position. I discovered that one of my biggest problems was that I cared about my performance, my patients, their families, accuracy, fairness, and ethics much more than I was supposed to. Nonetheless, I threw two of my worst co-workers under the bus as I was leaving. I don't feel I gained anything by doing it and am only left with the guilt and wondering if I was wrong in my judgements of them. I was disappointed when my managers did not ask me any questions about how I felt about my job or how I would improve on the department. In fact there was no exit interview at all. I did feel like I beat the system in that I am the only employee in recent history to leave by choice as opposed to being fired. I did submit two positive reviews of two of my outstanding co-workers before I left today. I hope they are given excellent performance reviews as a result.

I hope that blipfoto will be a forum in which I can share this journey with strangers and loved ones alike. I hope I wont be kicked off if I don't come up with 40 pounds. That's a lot of dollars!

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