
By BryanImagining


Sarah's pumpkin, Front and back. Note the pupils onthe larger image? Her first attempt was a serpent, but the pumpkin was way too soft and wouldn't cooperate. Tears, wailing, gnashing of teeth...

Twas a grand learning moment, indeed. An hour later, she decided that her serpent looked more like an Owl, and proceeded to carve a traditional Jack O' Lantern on the front side.

When I chose to blip the pumpkin, the "pupils' jumped out at me. I had to insert the Owl so you could see her "flipside" work.

I'm most proud of her in that she worked her way back out of the funk, and proceeded to create a new result from the ashes of an unsuccessful attempt.

Today's blip is in honor of my ever-maturing, brand new 12 year old: Sarah!

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