This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Here I am. just me. I am wearing a "new" sweater and even a "new" shirt but you can't really tell. There have been some really long and intense days lately. Tuning and retuning and fine tuning and doubting and rehashing and wondering and going over it again and again.

My project is a big deal and I am working hard to make it a success, but I am not the only one that is working. My art think tank friends back me up, my closest friends have reviewed and reviewed and reviewed... Stewart has been the best at cleaning up my databases and combining them all into one neat and orderly place, sending out mail test after mail test... just to get it right. He has been amazing through out the whole process. It has been a team effort to get this out to the world.

While all that has been going on, I needed to repair and varnish a large painting to give to a charity auction, see friends from out of town and hang a show. I am having another solo exhibition! This time in a church for the month of November. I don't think I have ever shown in a church before...

Busy busy. My house is a wreck, I need to do laundry and dishes, the bills are getting away from me and I have phone calls to return. I need a vacation. I need a job. But, I did go shopping and I got 8 new articles of clothing and a pair of shoes for about $35 bucks so that is pretty good.

Now to the store for some sugary snacks so I can either clean this mess up or watch a film and take a trip into a la la land.


**couldn't be bothered to leave the house an extra sugar cube in my tea will have do the trick (maybe)...

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