Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

No Spoilers!

Oh me, oh my, steady my nerves and prep me for launch. Such a happy couple of months occasionally forgetting the outside world by revisiting the MCU on DVD, including a wee cinema pitstop for Black Panther, all to build up to the big one.. Infinity War. We're talking Thor baby!! It's serious family business. The four of us psyched ourselves up with a pre cinema scoff up at Angus and Ale...even stretched to choc fudge brownie sundaes. As Starlord's alternative universe Donna would say, "Treat yo self!!" We got accosted by the next table who thought we had seen it and were giving plots away. As if! We we were just theorising, getting over excited, chewing the fat.

When we sat down for the opening credits, I've never heard a cinema audience so silent. It was fantastic. Loved it. But a whole year to wait until part two. Sigh.

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