Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Duck Egg Candling: Day 7

(Well, almost 7 days ... 6.5 really!)
I put 4 eggs under Kung Pao just under a week ago and I had Mr. Badger help me  candle them tonight to see whether or not anything was happening. All 4 seem to have some veins in them! (Pictured is egg #1 - it is is kind of hard to see them though =\) Egg #2 I didn't think would do anything since it is a little small, but it seems to be developing. Egg #3 looks good, but it has a little dent in it ;_;. Egg #4 looked similar to #1.

When I got home from work I went in to check on the birds. One of my Ameracaunas, Pie, was sitting on the nest instead of Kung Pao. Kung Pao was pacing around on the bar in front of the nest and then plopped down on top of Pie and the nest. I am wondering if this is what might have dented the egg? Too many chicken butts :(  I took Pie off the nest and headed inside. By the time Mr. Badger and I came out to check the eggs about an hour later Pie and Kung Pao were both nestled in the nest -_-. I removed Pie again ... hoping she gets over it because she is super mean! Pecked me real good a couple of times!

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