Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast


.....I'm guessing this must be the last game of Scrabble the late hubby and I ever played well over 20 years ago......found the box yesterday in the same cupboard as 'Art and Craft in Education' and brought it downstairs, unopened, as a possible blip prop (y'know, the way you do) and only got around to taking the lid off this morning......very surprised there weren't any rude words though (because bonus points were awarded for smut and innuendo on a sliding scale), I can only think that the kids must have been watching ;-) By the way, it hasn't been kept as a morbid 'shrine', just put away in a cupboard and then forgotten about.....I wonder who won.......

Grey day at the coast today, I'll be spending it doing boring housework.....and eating cake!

Tonight I will be listening to, in the dark......Orson Welles' original radio broadcast of 'The War of the Worlds'.....because it would be just wrong not to...........

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