The visit of the Black Dog
Today Brigitte had perked up a bit (these little spoons of minced meat and potato mash do add up it seems) and was in the communal room of the alzheimer wing with the rest of her gang. Twelve women and one man. It does not mean that men are less prone to dementia. They are just less prone to reach the age when dementia sets in. There is a lot to be said for a lesser life expectancy.
They were touching and funny in their own way, Brigitte's gang. Pretty much like little kids in pre-school. With their own semi-interested socialising, the inability to focus for long on one topic, and some unintelligible babble for the most advanced on that scary,.slippery slope.
The staff are pretty amazing. And judging by gow Brigitte's eyes light up whenever one enters her field of vision, they are very good to them. Caring and patient.
They try their best to make hell palatable. One tea spoon of minced food at a time.
For hell is to be stranded in a wheelchair, too weak to move much more than the eyes, desperately trying to communicate your fears and frustrations to a daughter and grandson who are supposed to be so smart and yet can't manage to understand a single word.
While being subjected to the songs of Joe Dassin. In a loop...
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