A long day

I had promised my parents in law that I would visit them today. I stopped at Lyme Regis for a walk down the hill and a heart testing walk up again. I think I caught the best of the day there before 9am. I drove on to Bournemouth and arrive just after 10.00, much too early to go in so I parked the car and went into town for my second walk of the day. I arrived as promised just after 11am and proceeded to discuss Powers of Attorney with them. I managed to get them to see that at their advancing age, the old style forms they completed 11 years ago needed to be replaced with the new forms. I did the forms online for them, a slight problem being the printer rang out of ink so I had to go and buy some more. I left them some time after 5 and arrived home just after 8 after stopping off for some food shopping enroute, wow, a busy long day but successful. The forms just need to be signed, witnessed, signed by their sons in a couple of weeks time and then sent off, phew!

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