
By craftynini


A tear for the sadness I feel at the loss of my friend. And a smile to remind me of her kind, kind heart and her ability to make us laugh at her funny, frustrating antics.

I met Angela at a time in my life when I'd just been diagnosed with PND and felt lost and scared in a new neighbourhood, with a new baby.

I'd found out there was a mums and tods group in the village hall and it took all of my courage to go there.

Angela was the first person who spoke to me. She literally grabbed me and kissed me and shouted "Hello love" and for the first time I felt like I would my life was going to be ok.

I wasn't there for the last few years of Angela's life; when she really needed me to make her feel like her life was going to be ok..... I hope she understood.

So here's to a beautiful, kind and loving human being, no longer with us here on this earth but always with us in our hearts and memories. X

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