
By chapalow

stars and the city

i have been debating with a friend on whether a view of stars is superior to a view of city lights. although i was very opinionated at the moment, i know that we were not really talking about the physical scenes, but rather their connotations. 

for her, stars were far more important. they reminded her of her home, where she could always see them. when we were talking, she missed her home, but she couldn't see the stars. so the city lights just seemed like filth to her.

for me, however, things go a little back. coming from a small town, city lights used to be impossible to see. so every since i was young, whenever i would go to a big city, i would watch the city lights in awe, dreaming about living with them one day. to me, those lights didn't mean filth or a fight against to stars. they meant people, lives, ideas. that's why living with them now doesn't make me sad that i can't see the stars. rather, they make me happy, for they are the unique stars of a city

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