Happy half year!

I honestly don’t know how Max is 6 months old already?!
So many people said to me it goes even faster the second time and it really does!
I can’t imagine life without him now, but I feel like I blinked and he’s gone from that tiny 6lb newborn in my arms to this wonderful bundle of smiles and giggles, squeaks and squeals.

His favourite thing at the moment is trying to grab and chew his feet. In fact grabbing anything and biting it; his socks, toys, my scarves, Anya’s hair...
As we sat by the river in the sunshine today I chatted to an elderly couple on the bench next to me. They commented on how calm and content Max was as he gurgled from the pushchair and smiled cheekily when he caught our eyes. The lady fell in love with him immediately ; “Oh, isn’t he the most perfect little thing Mick,” she said to her husband. She was right; he is and how lucky we are to have him!
Happy half year baby boy.

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