Sceptical Tank (2)

Another catching up series of posts

The unseasonably hot weather - it went up to 34C in Florence last week - brought forth increasing amounts of stink from one of the concrete septic tanks. It had never been sealed or buried.

I built this stone retaining wall around it and filled the cavity with found stones (there really are plenty) and rubble. Then overtopped this with fine soil to cover all offending open joints.

The tank was receiving lots of rainwater from the roof and our 'courtyard' which is a real no no in septic tank land. I've now diverted these into a temporary run off until we have time to get a sufficient soakaway dug.

It was laborious but strangely compelling work. My dry stone walling technique requires more skill and less haste but the problem is a t least provisionally resolved.

It has occurred to me to build a sloped tile roof over the tank to hide it further (using the lovely old tiles from the house roof) and to protect it from the fiercest summer sun.

Also had a brief burn up as rain threatened and potted on a load of veg plants I bought from the local agri store.

We got back to Fiesole at 8pm and had a quick tea and fell into bed.

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