New Toys

The little beauty you see above was purchased a week ago while out and about with my family. Quite by accident I came across this gem when I strolled into an antique shop. What a find. A near mint OM-1 with a 50mm Zuiko f1.4 no less! I got it back from the Camera Dr today after having the seals replaced and an full service to make sure everything is as good as it looked.

Unfortunately you will most probably not be seeing any images on Blip taken with this wonderful little camera because of the same day policy on Blip.

If that was not enough for today; I was also fortunate enough to acquire a LPL C7700 PRO enlarger with a 50mm EL-Nikkor f1.4, Including everything else one deeds for setting up a darkroom. 

Now I have a problem. I need to build myself a darkroom. I want to re-model the bathroom but my wife seems a wee bit against that idea.

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