Castle Fraser Frogie Fornication!

A few years ago we went off the beaten path in the Castle Fraser grounds and found a Fox's den with the cubs running around, a baby owlperched in a tree completely indifferent and a newly dropped deer antler, all in the space of 5 minutes in one area. A wee return today for the four of us and the den looked inhabited but nothing was stirring above ground. The pond on the beaten track WAS teeming with randy frogs however, I mean who would want to be a female frog at mating season, it's total carnage. Luckily we had eaten cake in the cafe first so we were pretty resilient in the face of such full on saucy amphibian action.

But look at these wonderful seed heads, popping against my winter jacket (still required, saucy springtime or no saucy springtime). I left it where it was growing so hopefully on our return visit next year well see more. Well definately see more frogs going by the amount of saving the species action that was going on although I hear the full lifecycle survival rate in tadpoles can often be 1 in a 1000???!!

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