On yer bike!

Sorry about the tatty old photo but like the old adage goes, "One picture is worth ten thousand words" so say the Chinese (who have said lots of things!)
To  the blipper whose sensitivities I may have offended by taking a photo of a photo.... you have my insincere  sincere apogolies. As a history graduate I am well aware that history is written by the winners. However Blip had a unique opporchancity  to  have published on its site some amazing social  histories which would have drawn many many more people to its site. I can't help but think Blip has missed a trick here. However I do understand there are those who are pure and chaste and have never sinned and  that their literal interpretation of the rules has led to this blip within Blipfoto. I do accept that my contribution probably only confirmed that my  family were related to the Munsters but there were others with real tales to tell, just look at misswinterfinche's photo today.

To Blip Central all I can say is that like all of us, you learn from your mistakes. Treating grown up adults like truculent teenagers is not the right road to take. From the many comments on Cailleachs blip, just about everyone appreciates the good work done for the many by so few (I'm beginning to sound like Churchill!!)  but you know what I mean, I could  never give of my time etc to keep the site going and thus I do appreciate all that is involved. I do however respectfully request that you sit down and think more carefully about what and how you say things to us as we are a sensitive lot (just like your complainant) It was obvious that you were going to wait until today to see how many protest photos you would get. To be honest not as many as I had thought which leads me to surmise that many  blippers have said their piece and have now moved on and those that did infringe your rule did so with good intentions to show solidarity to a fellow blipper

To Cailleach, well there's not much I need to say  as 202 comments have already said all there is  to say  and I see you have given an update today. In truth I didn't follow your blip before but I may have to now  however I do apologise for having gone ahead when you had been advised not to from the powers above as the Sh** really hit the fan after my 4th photo. As you can see from my tatty photo above it looks like I'm breaking the rules once more but all that was achieved by Snapseed. So who can tell what is real and what is fake!You might be extending olive branches to Blip but I'm sure they have also had a hearty helping of humble pie too.

End of the Blip Saga. All that remains now is for some hack to pick up on this fight and Blip will get a whack of publicity and new members so maybe Cailleach did them a favour after all

Thig crioch  air an t'shaoghal at mairaidh gaoil ages ceol.

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