Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hello, lovely # 27

After seeing several Baltimore Orioles in the yard yesterday, I was hoping that I'd get lucky with a repeat performance today.  After hanging out in the garden for an hour or so, I decided to take a hike along one of my fave spots, where I saw probably 20 yellow warblers, all singing mightily.  It was a lovely walk under sunny skies and just enough wind to keep it reasonably cool.  

Back home and a bit of pottering around, then out to the deck to enjoy an iced tea.  Which is when I heard that distinctive chatter that can only be an oriole.  Quick as a wink blipper, I grabbed my camera and made myself as low-profile as possible...waiting...and waiting...  Finally a caught a flash of orange...deep in the cherry tree.  Impossible to shoot.  Then, a few minutes later, out on one of the suet feeders which would be a "meh" picture.  But, patience won the day.  This male spotted the little dish of grape jelly I'd put out this morning, hanging on the shadbush.  Very cautiously, starting at the very top of the tree, he worked his way down, finally arriving at the jelly which was, apparently, to his liking.  On his way down the tree, which is in bloom, he gave me some nice photos.  Thank you, Mr. Oriole.

Today's blip is for Linda/SimpleMoments.  She'll know why.  And this represents the 27th species of bird photographed/blipped from my yard this year.  You can see all by clicking on the tag below for yardbird2018.

The chippie twins were out briefly while I was shooting the oriole.  I'll try to get them tomorrow.  


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