Happy Hallowe'en

This grisly sign was on sale in the Heanor Antique Centre (Derbyshire UK). It seemed somehow right to blip it on the night of Hallowe'en.

I've had a lovely day going round this amazing collection of blasts from the past junk and it was made particularly interesting to be in the company of a friend who is a true expert in Georgian glass. He could pick out the hidden treasures among the monstrosities and I now have a far better understanding not only of that subject, but of the workings of an Antique market in general.

And I actually came away with the bargain of the day a tripod for £8.

The building is a rabbit warren of passages, rickety staircases leading to more passages, all lined with cabinets and oddities. When we came out I was rather disappointed to see that, from the outside, the building is square and new, well at the back at least.

It even has a cafe that was opened with great ceremony in 2004 by Bill Maynard!

Fancy a little Singer ?

Now, did any other Blippers have one of these ?

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