Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Nighty Night

This is the very tired but very happy face of a bird who stayed up 24hrs to raise £1106 for charity, and is ready for bed at 9:30pm!

Barry and I completed SPCP Live 3 at 9am today, and I have never been so happy to finish something in my life! Whilst it was largely very fun, I spent basically the entire thing in a state of pretty high anxiety (which, in turn, triggered a couple of bouts of paranoia, which were a nightmare). We had technical issues throughout, and whilst both we and our amazing guests weathered it like champs, it was really stressful for me to have to deal with. I kept thinking about how crap/unprofessional it must have all seemed to the guests and listeners and got very up in my own head about it. I'm incredibly grateful to everyone that took part and those that donated; I might've had a full-on meltdown if we'd not hit our £1000 target!

Barry left immediately after the show, so I had a couple hours sleep before trying to return to some sort of routine. I felt pretty bad for Mike all day; he stayed over as he'd been manning my social media (alongside George) for the show, but I was not in any state to be entertaining guests today. We played Mario Kart a bit (I sucked), took in some Game Grumps and watched Better Watch Out (which I'm sure I would've liked more if I was any kind of awake...!) Now it's time for bed!

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