Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Fortune's Wheel

"It is the Wheel of Fortune that can throw you up very high, or bring you down very low. Its message is to be indifferent to victory and defeat, as they both come on the turn of the wheel"

Philippa Gregory - The Lady of the Rivers

I am sure that Philippa didn't invent this concept, but it struck a chord with me when I read this book last Christmas.

Today 39 weeks pregnant. This time last year starting a long process of coming to terms with a miscarriage. One in three pregnancies end this way, but we are shamefully tongue tied, as a society in talking about. And I include myself in that.

Neither faced with indifference, it has to be said, but both accepted as turns of the wheel.

Picture nothing to do with words. Gret was there, knew what I wanted to say, and didn't have an obvious picture to hand or in mind.

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