Hi Dubai & Goodbye

Carrying on from the saga from yesterday's blip, we arrived in Dubai at 3 am and went straight to the help desk and explained our predicament to a very helpful man who within 5 minutes had got us booked on the 7.45 flight to Heathrow. He gave the impression that the Mauritian branch of the operation had a reputation for not being very efficient or helpful.

In the time we had to kill I managed to book us tickets for a coach back to Somerset (just another 3 hour wait once we got to London) and take this image from the boarding gate as the sun rose .

This is the third time we've spent part of the night in Dubai airport and the first time we've seen anything of Dubai in daylight. One of these days, we'll get to see the city itself.

We eventually arrived home about 8pm after 36 hours or more of travelling. I think we need a holiday.

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