The family Messenger page has been alight since mid-afternoon and I haven't had a chance for any other blip.

I had a call from Mum's Careline people that she'd pressed her emergency button and they couldn't talk to her, though they could hear her, so they'd called the paramedics. They'd tried to call all her daughters and could only get me. Of course, as before when this has happened, it's when we're all scattered about the country and there's no-one nearby. Fortunately the wonderful lady who cleans for Mum and is also a health-care assistant was at home (sleeping between two night shifts at the hospital) and went straight over, comforted Mum who'd fallen and couldn't get up, made her comfortable and waited until the ambulance came, phoning me whenever there was a development. Meanwhile sisters R & A2 set straight off from Scotland and may possibly be back before midnight. Sister A1 dropped everything while on holiday in Shropshire and headed across to the hospital at Frimley Park where she is now and I stayed on the phones and keyboard relaying messages back and forth and desperately trying to keep up with work so that I can go down if needed. (Sister K was happily oblivious in her garden all afternoon.) They've x-rayed Mum because although she didn't think she'd injured herself, once they got her up she had a pain in her groin, so they're checking her pelvis. Now it's all gone quiet because people's phones are running low on battery, so I'm hoping that sometime soon I'll get an update as to what's happening, but I'm thinking they'll keep her in overnight at least. Meanwhile, we all owe Mel, Mum's cleaner, a huge debt of gratitude and more!

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