A Spot of Bother

Here we are just south of Murchison being rescued by two nice men.  We were towing the little trailer with the quad bike on it when the wheel fell off.  The man travelling behind also stopped and used his fire extinguisher to put out a small grass fire caused by the hot pieces of metal flying off.  The wheel bounced into a paddock.  The following driver took the forester back to Murchison to find these men who could then take the bike and trailer back to their garage.  The trailer couldn't be repaired on the day so plan B had to be activated.  
The brother in law would drive south and we would drive north.  When we met just south of Golden Downs we hitched on his trailer.  Back to Murchison to load the quad bike on and continue south to Christchurch.  Only an extra three hours to the trip.  On reaching my sisters house the first thing I unpacked from the truck was a bottle of red wine.  
The quad bike is to go further south to be used for duck shooting.  We were just towing it for a friend who will be shooting with the forester.  The first weekend in May is the opening of the shooting season.  This morning there was puncture in one of the trucks tyres.  A lot of trouble for some ducks in my opinion. 

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